Welcome to the world of the M151 US military vehicle, also known as MUTT. After almost 30 years in service, we will try to help you to preserve the vehicle for the future as a historical vehicle. While rust proofing was not so popular, especially for the elder M151 models, rust had good chances to affect the body and frame. The company Cameron Manufacturing and Design in the USA started in 2013 to re-produce the first body panels. In the meantime there is a variety of body panels and other parts available and more will come in the near future. We are importing these parts from the USA to help you, the European M151 owners, to preserve your vehicle for the future. Look around. If you miss something, please let us know. Please note: We also own a M151A2 and we are enthusiasts like you. And this is not our daily business, so please excuse any delay in answering your message. Our effort is, to serve and help you. Some parts are large and cannot be shipped by DHL or other parcel services. So we have to involve a freight forwarder as well. Some parts may run out of stock and we have to wait like you for the next overseas container. Never forget, we all are owners of a vintage vehicle and patience is a virtue.


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